
Casting between Qt and OpenCV primitives

opencv_qtAs a follow-up to the previous post, I’d like to present some code which I think might be helpful for other Qt / OpenCV projects as well.

This code was written for Pastie. Pastie is a piece of software I wrote as part my image processing seminar. It makes use of the well known libraries:

  • Qt for the graphical user interface
  • OpenCV for image processing and computer vision

I wrote a C++ header file to facilitate the co-operation of those two libraries. This file enables the conversion / casting of OpenCV and Qt types e.g.:

#include <QImage>
#include <cv/core.hpp>

QImage qimg("filename.png");
cv::Mat cvimg = toCv(qimg);

The source code is available at GitHub.

The following conversions are supported:

QImage cv::Mat
QTransform cv::Mat
QPoint cv::Point2i
QPointF cv::Point2f
QRect cv::Rect2i
QRectF cv::Rect2f
QSize cv::Size

You can find some examples in the real code here and here.